the museum
yemenite culture
of the jewish people
The Jewish Culture Museum of Yemenite Art, is a private exhibit of artist Ben-Zion David, dedicated to the history of the Jewish people of Yemen, his family’s personal story and their connection to the silversmith craft. It was established in 2010 as a cultural exchange center which preserves the Jewish Yemenite heritage. It is located in the artists’ quarter of Ancient Jaffa alongside the workshop and gallery, which was established in 1988.
At the entrance, a warm ethnic atmosphere is recreated with the spicy aroma & sounds of traditional music in unison with the sounds of the adjacent workshop in action.
Through interesting displays and archival photos, visitors experience a bit of the traditions of the Yemenite people; their clothing and bridal jewelry, silversmith tools, baskets & embroidery and, ancient books with traditional prayers and songs.
Being deeply religious people, their songs were in the form of prayers & their words pronounced to absolute precision from the Torah. The most accurate pronunciation of the Hebrew language is spoken by Yemenite Jewish people to this day.
A visit to the museum is a wonderful cultural experience with visuals, videos, & brochures available in many languages. To make it even sweeter, enjoy a complimentary spicy coffee with dates, in traditional Yemenite hospitality!